Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Overdose of "Strategy".....

This is word which is thrown around rather casually without understanding the true import of implications. Especially in my role, I hear it everyday and am trying to change the way we think here.

Work is tiresome at best with such extended timings with comparatively lower levels of value addition. Only bright spot in the horizon is a wild trip that I have planned to the lower himalayas

-- Around 7 of us have gotten together and decided to venture out on a 10 day trek through the mountains through a mountaneous region near manali. Check out the attached map.

Of the lot, Iam probably the most out of shape and given that I have a bad ankle....god alone can help out during this trip.....But Iam still going for it!!

Thats my mood nowadays...."GO FOR IT". It keeps me from getting too risk averse.

Well thats it from me. My trip to bombay this weekend is put on hold because of the horrendous blasts yesterday....the poor souls who had to give thier souls for some absolutely useless and pointless cause....

A moment of silence please : -


Ram said...


You've been tagged


Karthik said...

Ada paavi!