- Started the year with an unexpected raise!!
- Understood that no role as defined to me existed and that i had create one for myself
- dipped my feet into market understanding..a subject on which I was clueless!
- Worked with all the departments across to get alignment to a common stated goal
- The realized there was no such common goal :-)
- Started feeling the pinch of working in an organization which was going through tough times
- Felt like quitting, but wanted to continue...noone calls me a coward :-0
- went on a trip to indonesia, mostly spent in a hotel with all corporate types !
- Conducted a Corporate war game in india...which was widely appreciated
- Then the lull before the storm.....The taskforce
- Got inducted into a taskforce to improve sales in Tamil Nadu
- 3months went by in understanding the problems, facing up to it and addressing it adequately
- Designed and developed my first set of marketing campaigns....which was wildfire hit across the state
- Learnt that strategy is best communicated thorugh actions and result for rapid scaling rather than words
- Worked on a organizational motvational program, learnt the fine art of editing in the process :-)
- Exited the taskforce on a very happy note...very successful, to the extent where the competiton copied the campaign that we designed :-)
On an aside, I also decked up a proper house with all the electronics a guy could want....Well done !! Towards the end, also started looking forward to the next phase of my life.
During these last 12 months, I thought life was very chaotic, but it all seems to be following a nice plan...lets see what the next year has in store for me!!