Saturday, November 12, 2005

Business law and Tortious liability!!

Tonight, we had a session on business law and Mr.Sandeep was awesome.The entire session was centered around contracts and definitions of liabilities.The most interesting form of Liablility is called Tortious Liability, which states that a service provider can be held in breach of contract if the service provided if in anyway harms the the consumer and the firm was in a position to expect the effect in advance.

This has formed the basis for many litigations, especially in the US where they sue for emotional distress, mental torture etc.....same applies to coke in India.

Today, I evaluated a few more applications and was a very time consuming process! These were good applications, but i had to take a call and I did. the upside is that i got to have free pizza :)

Have so much work pending, but Iam in no mood to do anything constructive......tommorow is gonna be a very very busy day to get all this stuff done.....

Quote of the day: "Procrastination will only augument the inevitable torture"


Monday, November 07, 2005

Resume positioning and integrated communications

"This years placement season is a mass market operation" : Quote by Ajit Rangnekar.

Given this, think of your self as a product being sold to a heterogenous set of buyers A.K.A recuiters. In any competitve scenario, the buyers wants the best price for the product in the category, unless he/she derives additional value out of it.

Basically means that you need to be percieved to produce additional value to the recruiter.

Now, we can look at the problem through the Awareness - Knowledge - liking - conviction - purchase continuum : as the process of shortlisting.

Your resume is your ultimate communications vehicle and a well written, customized resume may land you multiple shortlists i.e high trial rate.However, in the typical brand share model, actual repeat purchase i.e 2nd and 3rd interviews happen only if the product attributes actually add value to the consumer/recruiter.Even this can be managed to large extent by customized communication, but in the long term product-customer fit is essential for either party to apropriate value

Also, if you spread your applications too thin across segments, you wont have an integrated communications strategy and can have a very low probability of success.

The placement week can be thought of as a large market place trying to match a heterogenous batch of students with a even more heterogenous set of recruiters and that is the key difference between a regular market operation and placement season.No real world markets take resonsibility for complete customer satisfaction, but they merely provide a convenient way for buyers and sellers to interact.

Having defined this entire issue from a marketing standpoint, i feel no less at ease with the process......Iam like......Lets get it over with as soon as possible!!!



Today, Deutche bank is interviewing on campus and looks like its gonna be a loong placement season ahead.I did not apply....Iam most definitely not a fin guy.We got our first list of companies and it looks extremely comprehensive. As my friend SM would say, All this is just information overload and i feel like one of those rats trapped in a maze of options, not knowing which one will be the best.

I have broadly decided to focus my campaign towards three clearly defined segments.

  • Companies who do stuff I know
  • Companies who do stuff i dont know
  • companies who pay the most ( viz. Consulting :) )

With such a comprehensive strategy.. I cant fail :) . Anyways, this just shows how confused Iam, but he best thing i can do is "Blink" (from my earlier post) in simple words, go with my gut....
