Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Orientation week and the Leadership development program

This week we started our orientation week and it has been hectic so far.We had the First session of the leadership development program yesterday and had our welcome dinner and orientation from Alums today.

The leadership development program was conducted by Prof.Rajeshwar Upadhyaya and i was really impressed by the class.We were asked to take a Myerly-brears type indicator test before we went to class o get our respective profiles.I was was classified as E(Extrovert), S(Sensing), T(Thinking), Judjing.I was initally not convinced witht this test.During the class he asked for a volunteer to to verify the test and i volunteered.He asked me to narrate any typical incident and the entire class judjed my profile.I was reallly amazed when each of them got it right and so was the class.Tommorow we have a class on listening and team bulilding and some classes on meeting etc are scheduled for the rest of the week.

I really enjoyed Dr.Upadhyaya`s class and i think this is one of the unique programs at ISB.Also we had a career perspectives forum today, where a group of top CEO`s cam in and shared their B-school experiences and their veiw on the future markets and career opportunity.It was conducted in a debate format with questions at the end and it was an enjoyable experience.

Overall...this is going to be a busy week leading upto the start of term 1. Have a couple of case studies to prepare before the class, and iam jsut getting started.

Also had a some decent sessions with the alums to get their perspectives on the career oportuntiies and the type of roles offered.

more later.

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